Reclaim Gatherings
On the 3rd Monday of each month via Zoom, our gatherings endeavour to create a safe space for care experienced people
to support and explore our community, what connects and inspires us together. Email hello@reclaimcare.uk to join us
Below we've created a set of commitments for anyone joining a
Reclaim space to read and agree to prior to joining
Gathering Commitments
- Helpful principles before joining a RECLAIM Gathering to ensure the best possible experience -
Gathering Commitments:
Remember we are coming together to support one another as members of the RECLAIM community. Whatever we do, let it be to promote calm, wisdom and kindness.
We listen to what everyone has to offer
Everyone in the room has something valuable to offer which we honour with our full attention and non-judgment, giving them the space and time they need to speak.
We speak from the heart, not just the head
When we share our lived experiences and feelings, rather than just ideas and theories, we offer something really valuable to the group and ourselves.
We take care of ourselves and each other
It's up to us to decide how much or how little to participate while being mindful of the needs of others. We only benefit when we are willing to put good ideas into action.
If we disagree, listen and level with each other respectfully, and where helpful ask the group to support
We need to know it’s OK to say we disagree and say when we don’t like what someone’s done without fear of repercussions. If we treat each other with respect when we disagree then human connection and seeing from another's perspective has a chance in creating growth and change together.
​We don’t try to fix each other, just be alongside (and lots of tea)
Everyone is hunting for an “outcome” so let’s create one place or one relationship where that doesn’t have to happen. Relieved of the pressure then true connection and probably true awareness can occur.
We don’t talk detrimentally about participants or others who are not at the gathering
None of us has the right to project our past experiences or judgements of others onto participants. We have the right to build relationships on our own terms.
Remember to have fun!
This principle is really about keeping things human. Being silly brings out the human. Being comfortable does too.
About RECLAIM Gatherings
RECLAIM Gatherings provide a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space where those Care Experienced People can talk openly about how they’re feeling.
Gatherings offer attendees the chance to talk and be heard, to feel a sense of connection, and to listen and learn from like-minded people with similar experiences.
Gatherings are not therapy, but to offer peer-to-peer support to help our attendees to feel connection with other Care Experienced People, discuss topics important to our community and build ideas and resources together.
Gatherings are booked through the Gatherings booking RSVP above.
Gatherings will usually be structured focusing on questions we wish to explore, and we may explore exercises together to share ideas or support our wellbeing as a group. You do not have to speak if you do not want to.
Getting on top of the technology really helps
Get Zoom: Install Zoom on your device (it’s free) zoom.us/support/download
Test Call: Before joining the call, make sure you’ve checked that your connection, audio and video all work zoom.us/test (note: using headphones can help).
Use Link: Your group organiser will send you a unique link to join your group.
Join Audio: When you join the call, you may need to activate audio to hear and be heard. You can find this option in the bottom left next to the microphone symbol.
Mute Audio: We recommend you mute audio when not speaking. If you want to speak and your microphone has been switched off by the host, use the "raise hand" option.
Gallery View: To switch between Gallery View (seeing everyone) and just the speaker or presentation, click the option in the top right corner (Speaker/Gallery view).
Your Space: Pick somewhere to join the call that is comfortable, has good internet connection and has minimal distractions. Sit by a wall for a less busy background too.
Acknowledgement guidelines lovingly inspired, adapted and created from our friend’s